Award-winning author of “Lafayette At Brandywine: The Making of An American Hero,” Bruce E. Mowday, is scheduled to appear at the Sycamore Grille this Sunday to give a presentation on Revolutionary war hero Marquis de Lafayette.
The presentation will take place on Sunday, August 14, from 5:00 PM until 7 PM at the Sycamore Grille in Delaware Water Gap. It is open to the public with no charge for admittance. Food will be available for purchase. Seating is limited to 50 guests. “We’re pleased with the response to this community event. Seating is limited, and I urge anyone wishing to attend to make a reservation. This is a chance to discover a portion of our nation’s rich history. Lafayette is a true American hero,” said Rick Porvaznik of Rick Porvaznik Process Service, sponsor of the event. “I’m proud to be the sponsor of this event. Lafayette was an important person in our nation. We need to keep our history alive. Author Bruce Mowday has spent years researching Lafayette. He is also noted for his entertaining style of speaking. I’m hoping people in our region take the opportunity to learn about the remarkable young noble, Lafayette.”
About Lafayette
Nineteen-year-old Marquis de Lafayette departed France against the wishes of his king to fight for American independence and freedom. Without France’s assistance, America would not have defeated England during the American Revolution. Without Lafayette’s help, France might not have been America’s ally. “Lafayette risked his life, his fortune, his family, and a long prison sentence to just come to America to help our fight for freedom,” Mowday said. “He proved his bravery and dedication to the cause of freedom at the battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777, where he was shot in the leg. Lafayette was a great supporter of General Washington. He even named his son George Washington Lafayette. At Yorktown, Lafayette played an important part in England’s Surrender.”
About Mowday
Mowday is an award-winning author and newspaper reporter. He authored over 20 books on history, sports, business, and true crime. Mowday has appeared on numerous television shows, including Counter Culture, a PBS Emmy-winning show, the Discovery ID channel, ReelZ network, C-SPAN, the Pennsylvania Cable Network, Hollywood and Beyond, Whatcha Got, Journey into the Civil War, Chronicles of the American Civil War and local television stations. He was a recent guest on the Massachusetts Historical Society’s Revolution 250. Barricade Publishing of New York released Mowday’s book Lafayette at Brandywine: The Making of an American Hero less than a year ago. Since then, Mowday, a member of the American Friends of Lafayette, has given presentations in multiple states for historical organizations and civic organizations. Mowday was featured in the Authors of the American Revolution Congress hosted by Nathan’s Papers. He is a frequent speaker at various civic and historical groups. The Congress of Civil War Round Tables has named Bruce a “5-Star” speaker. Mowday has hosted radio shows, has been the editor of magazines, and was chairman of the Chester County Historical Society and president of the Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates. He is a former board member of the Valley Forge Park Alliance and the Chester County Conference and Visitors Bureau. “I was so pleased when Rick asked me to give this presentation,” Mowday said. “Rick should be commended for his civic action.” For more information on Mowday, his books, and his schedule of events, see
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