Ten projects have recently received funding through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program. Among those announced was the construction of a railroad line along the Pocono Mainline in Monroe County.
Monroe County | On Monday, October 31, Governor Tom Wolf announced the approval of ten projects funded at $40.1 million for redevelopment and community improvement projects.
The projects, funded through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP), support a variety of critical projects in nine counties that will build infrastructure and create community education and workforce opportunities.
The awards include the following projects:
Allegheny County
Almono Limited Partnership, $3 million – funding will support continued development and infrastructure for the Mill District of Hazelwood Green to accommodate the University of Pittsburgh’s BioForge facility and Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Innovation Center. This development phase includes the construction of a parking garage, roadways, utilities, stormwater conduits, and environmental remediation.
Riverfront 47, LP or Its Assigns, $5 million – funding will support Phase 1 of creating Allegheny Shores in Sharpsburg Borough, a new residential and commercial property, including earthwork, utility installation, stormwater system upgrades, and roadway construction.
Cambria County
The city of Johnstown, $2 million – funding will support a complete redesign of Main Street and the city’s Central Park including new sidewalks, curbing, crosswalks, parking, lighting, public art, educational displays, trees, and water features. The project will also support the rehabilitation of the train station.
Erie County
IRG Erie, Inc., $5 million – funding will support the development of a $200 million waste plastic recycling facility on 25 acres in a high-unemployment area of Erie City.
Dauphin County
The city of Harrisburg, $6 million – funding will support new field lighting and locker room renovations, a new home team clubhouse, an expanded boardwalk for activities, and scoreboard replacement at FNB field, home of the Harrisburg Senators.
Lancaster County
City of Lancaster Operations Facilities Expansion, $3 million – funding will support the purchase of land and an expanded operations center including a salt shed, equipment storage facilities, garage space, recycled goods drop-off, and weatherized storage area connected to the current operations facility for the city.
Monroe County
Monroe County Industrial Development Authority, $3.6 million – funding will support the construction of a railroad line along the Pocono Mainline to provide required upgrades for the new Amtrak Corridor passenger train service to Northern Pennsylvania.
Northampton County
ArtsQuest, $7 million – funding will support a project to redevelop the abandoned Bethlehem Steel Corporation plant to create a facility for entertainment programming, cultural attractions, science displays, and community events. The facility will include a commercial kitchen with bathroom facilities.
Philadelphia County
WHYY, $1.5 million – funding will support the renovation of the WHYY facility including landscaping, lighting, floodlights, flexible workspaces, and the digital media center.
York County
York County Agricultural Society, $4 million – funding will support building renovations and upgrades at the York Fairgrounds including modernization, grandstands, fencing, and security improvements.