Helping Ukraine Through Art

The Andrei Art Gallery/Studio-Museum in Stroudsburg, PA, held a Reception on Saturday, May 7th. It was for their newest collection, which is related to the war in Ukraine, titled “Still Alive.” The collection features three pieces created by Andrei Protsouk to build awareness of the ongoing horrific conflict in Europe. Exclusive limited editions of the works are available for purchase online.

The evening included refreshments, wine, and music by Michael Fossa on the Keys. The evening also included a talk by Dr. Yelena Kipervas, who went to Poland to provide medical attention to the Ukrainian refugees crossing the border. Dr. Kipervas and other volunteer physicians traveled to a Ukrainian church in Poland on April 15th, 2022, where a working space was provided so they may treat their patients. The endeavor was arranged by Agape Blessings Cure, a nonprofit organization founded by Doctors and Students who desire to bring medical care to those in need. You can learn more about Agape Blessings Cure and how to help them in their worthwhile undertaking by visiting their website at

The Andrei Art Gallery/Studio-Museum is located on 7th Street in Stroudsburg, PA and offers the works of world-renowned artists such as Robert Berks, Dr. Ronald Parker, Frank Gallo, and Erte’. The gallery has an international flavor to it, with the style and elegance of Eastern and Western Europe very prevalent within its walls. You’ll find more information about The Andrei Art Gallery/Studio-Museum, including how to purchase the work shown, by visiting their website at

The exhibition presented at The Andrei Art Gallery/Studio-Museum on Saturday, May 7th, was part of the Stroudsburg First Saturday Art Walk Series. The event (as indicated) takes place on the first Saturday of every month from April to October between 4 pm and 9 pm. Additional galleries are added or deleted according to their availability and street events are occasionally adjoined to the event. You can learn more about future Art Walks in Stroudsburg and other art-related events and opportunities by visiting The Forwardian Community Arts Calendar at

Paul Adam Smeltz is the Facilitator of The Forwardian Arts Society. A fellowship for people who love the arts.

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