Trunk Or Treat Returns To Middle Smithfield

Halloween will begin over a week early in Middle Smithfield this year as the township kicks off its annual Trunk or Treat.

MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP, PA | On Saturday, Oct. 22, Middle Smithfield Township (MST) will host its 9th Annual Trunk or Treat. Children aged 12 and younger are invited to go from vehicle to vehicle collecting candy. There will be glitter tattoos, spin art, sand art, and free pumpkins available while supplies last. Adults are welcome to decorate their vehicles and hand out candy. The event will be held at Resica Park and will begin at noon, with a rain date of Sunday, Oct. 23.

MST will award prizes to the best-decorated vehicles. Those wishing to decorate their vehicles and hand out candy should register with MST by 4 pm on Thursday, Oct. 20. MST will provide some candy. However, participants are encouraged to bring their own as well.

“Trunk or Treat is one of our favorite annual traditions in Middle Smithfield Township. It’s our way of celebrating fall in a fun and family-friendly way,” said event coordinator and parks manager Chris Rain.

Resica Park is located at 1 Gravel Ridge Road in East Stroudsburg, next to Resica Elementary School.

Details for the Trunk or Treat:

When: Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022, at 12 noon. Candy and pumpkins are available while supplies last. The rain date is Sunday, Oct. 23, at 12 noon.

Where: Resica Park at 1 Gravel Ridge Road, located next to Resica Elementary School, in East Stroudsburg, PA 18302

Registration: You must pre-register your vehicle if decorating a car for the event by 10/20. Contact Chris Rain to register (see information below). We ask that the vehicles participating in the event be parked in their spots by 11:30 am for the safety of the children. Registration is not necessary to just attend the event.

Contact Info: Chris Rain, 570-223-8920 ext. 119 or email or visit for details, questions, or registration.