National Tooth Fairy Day Will Leave You “Toothless”

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August 22 is a celebration of the joy, wonder, and mystery of kids losing their teeth. This holiday serves as a reminder to those young and old how fun it is to receive a visit from the tooth fairy.

National Tooth Fairy Day is on August 22 but also on February 28, according to National Today. The Tooth Fairy is a mythological creature in American and European folklore. Visits from the Tooth Fairy bring excitement and happiness to anyone losing a tooth and putting it under their pillow. Some kids even look forward to losing a tooth for that sweet fairy money. But how did the tradition and history of this holiday and mythological figure begin?

The Origin Of National Tooth Fairy Day

In Western culture, three prominent figures come to mind for children, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Although, the fairy is often left out of the discussion and is the least exploited of the three. The Tooth Fairy might be the most intriguing of them all. However, the Tooth Fairy is still highly popular among children and brings excitement whenever they lose a tooth.

When Did The Tooth Fairy Originate?

Fairies and their tales originated during 13th-Century-England, first described by Gervase of Tilbury. The age-old tradition of children losing their tooth, putting it under a pillow, and receiving a gift, started way back in medieval Europe.

Are Teeth A Symbol Of Luck?

In Norse culture, a series of writings named the “Eddas”, which includes both Norse and Northern European traditions, are referenced in a ‘tand fe,’ directly translating to ‘tooth fee,’ according to National Today. In this tradition, parents give their children a small amount of money when losing their first tooth. That reason is teeth were a symbol of good luck and prosperity to the Norse people. Even some Viking warriors wore a string of teeth as a necklace during their skirmishes for protection and good luck.

What Is The Origin Of The Modern Tooth Fairy?

In 18th-Century-France, a fairytale known as “La Bonne Petite Souris,” meaning “The Little Good Mouse,” is the closest example we get to the modern fairy. The first record of the Tooth Fairy in America was in a paper called the 1908 Chicago Tribune article.

The National Tooth Fairy Day Timeline

According to National Today:

In 1908, the author, Lillian Brown, gave parents suggestions on how to get their children to have their loose milk teeth pulled; the Tooth Fairy would come and leave five cents under their pillow for every tooth they lost, according to the Chicago Tribune.

In 1920, Fairies were used as Advocates of Health Education to get kids to eat their vegetables, go to sleep on time, and clean their teeth.

In 1925, Tooth Fairy Toothpaste An advertisement for Fairy Wand Tooth Whitener used an image of the Tooth Fairy.

In 1927, a play for children called “The Tooth Fairy” was an eight-page script written by Esther Watkins Arnold, according to National Today. This play gained popularity with schools even reenacting the play. The visual representation of a tooth fairy coming to collect the teeth in exchange for money or presents. Ever since its massive success, the Tooth Fairy caught fire and has been one of the most widely popular mythological creatures. The Tooth Fairy even reported visits to children in the U.K., Canada, and Australia.

In 2004, The Tooth Fairy was brought into pop-culture mainstream for kids by featuring the fairy in a kid’s tv show called Peppa Pig.

In 2021, Dwain “The Rock” Johnson and Julie Andrews headlined “The Tooth Fairy” movie on the Silver Screen.

The Tooth Fairy has brought joy and mystery to many children nationwide, across Europe and America, permanently cementing itself into mainstream culture.